a slit to the throat.
It is you, Fear, my enemy, with the knife in your hand.
I gave you power.
I allowed you to consume me, serving no one but you.
I see my voice in front me of me,
a ball of light.
I pick it up and swallow it.
Its very essence - light and warmth - heals my wound, my slit throat.
Welcome home Voice.
Goodbye Fear.
*I remember when I was younger I was in the middle of talking to a friend and, while still talking (as if on auto-pilot) I asked myself how I was even able to produce these words that were coming out of my mouth. I realized in that moment that we are so fortunate to have a voice to express ourselves. In the name of fear - fear of judgment, fear of criticism, fear of hurting others - I silenced my own voice. A communicator by nature (Gemini; air sign), I cannot allow fear to leave me in silence.
My two cents: Proven by quantum physics, everything has a vibration and a frequency. When we give our energy to reading and watching negative news stories/TV shows/movies and allow the consequent fear-based emotions to consume us, we are indirectly contributing to the darkness and negativity on this planet. So let's raise the vibration/frequency of this planet by letting go of fear and consciously putting our energy towards those things which inspire us, uplift us and fuel our hearts!
(Expansion by Paige Bradley)
"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.
Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that."
-MLK Jr.
"Do the thing you fear most and the death of fear is certain"
-Mark Twain